Saturday, 20 February 2016

Mobile kiln in action

There are a couple of exhibitions coming up
and G is working hard to make some nice pots for them

He got the mobile gas kiln out
 (another amazing dump shop find)
 into the driveway yesterday

He sticks sticks in the fire hole
says it makes good reduction at it gives the flames something to eat up
and then that takes out the oxygen and gives the pots better colour
(as a boy his mum said not to play with fire, so you can bet he does (still) at Every opportunity)

Fire extinguishes at ready; 
We have a firehouse at the end of our road
 we do worry they will get called if a neighbour gets a bit excited about 
a little fire or smoke action

Does get hot - 700 degrees

 this is a pretty low temperature
normally we go to 1000 degrees

but these pots are special

more on that next time
 these pots need to cool before I can show the results

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