Thursday, 24 April 2014

Cancer councils biggest morning tea is coming

Gerald has been busy firing and firing and firing. Painted tea cups for the Cancer councils biggest morning tea exhibition. Its next week so we had to get a wriggle on.


more lovely stuff to help raise money for the cancer council

G's awesome tea pot. He's done a couple - and yahoo, we get to keep this one
(glaze popped off on his spout, bugger!) I shouldn't be so happy, sorry G.

G's stoneware coffee cups and tri bowls. I love this new design of cups, so elegant.
beautiful glaze- photo doesn't do it justice

tea cups galore!
 loads of pretty colours - such fun to paint. something I don't do often as its
 not really my cup of tea to  make tea cups, but it's for a good cause.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

 Looking into the kiln
doing bisque firing again and again
then gloss, stoneware, midfire, midfire, midfire. Going to be a busy week 
Making some big corrugated leaves, rivet some cool metal supports....
Ah picture below
the squashed finger happened when a drill piece broke.
 Safety stuff always a good lesson.
 Ouch! (much)
got right back on that horse too
as G dressed the wound and put on a cut off rubber glove finger to keep it clean,
 finished with his much wanted (and obviously needed) supervision and support sigh...

Friday, 11 April 2014

Our very lovely friend Catherine has taken some fantastic photos for the Darwin Arts Trail brochure. Our studio will be one of four open studios to visit.
 Hope you enjoy seeing us at work - where, when and how.
 Third Sunday of each month from July to October.
 We'll be ready, and looking forward to it.